The air was hot and humid but with a lovely breeze, he paced back and forth on the beach awaiting the moment he’d be down on one knee. She would soon arrive, but minutes felt like hours. Everything was ready, the picnic setup, an engraved sign, and the bottle of champagne.
It was 8:00 am and she was hustling to be on time for what she believed would be her cousin’s dedication. Accompanied by her mom and sister, Karsyn went down the boardwalk that led to the beach. Still unsure of what to look for or what’s going on, she looks puzzled. She must have thought, was that her boyfriend waiting a few yards down? But he was supposed to be out of the state! They were communicating all this time! How? Very quickly she realizes what is happening and cannot contain her joy. Her heart races with every step towards him in what seems to be a long runway.
But wait, that was just half the of the surprise! A lot of family members, 21 of them, from different states were all there, hiding! It must have taken a lot to coordinate different flights and schedules. Something so funny and equally scary happened the night before this proposal, Karsyn (the bride-to-be), not knowing she was about to meet her boyfriend and get proposed to, decided to cancel her trip. Telling her mom and sister to go on without her. After much convincing she still almost missed her flight! That was a close call and very funny moment to now remember!
Brendan & Karsyn, and of course Jennie & Jeffrey, thank you so much for having us there. We immediately fell in love with your family and had so much fun photographing this proposal. It means the world to us that you trusted us with such a special moment. We will always fondly remember this day!